Practice Like The Pros!

Fun-filled articles written to motivate you to sit your butt down and practice!

Fueled by Practice Warriors




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Nothing Is Easy, Nothing Is Hard Jun 14, 2022

One of the most motivating thoughts that will carry you through challenging times during practicing will be the unmitigated FACT that nothing in life is easy and nothing in life is hard.  Things are only familiar and unfamiliar.  

I’m going to say that again louder for the folks in the back:  Nothi...

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Welcome Frustration In Your Practicing (The Growth Process) May 31, 2022

Are you frustrated when you are practicing?  Do you feel like you aren’t making progress?  Do you feel like your skills are actually getting worse? Do you feel like your learning process is just an uphill climb?

Good…because you may be EXACTLY where you need to be.  Not only that, you might actuall...

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The Triangle Of Awesomeness May 24, 2022


It’s common knowledge that the more you play music, the better you will be as a musician. What’s the old saying?  “Practice makes perfect”?  So yes, the more you practice or play your instrument, the better you will be at that instrument.  Pretty simple and straightforward. 

…but it’s also inc...

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Top 10 Things That Should Be In Your Practice Space Mar 15, 2022

Top 10 Things That Should Be In Your Practice Space

When you sit down to practice, it is absolutely crucial that you have everything you need to get started right away.  If you're taking time to find sheet music, grabbing a chair from the other room, looking for your Practice Log, trying to find a ...

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The Pros And Cons Of Private Lessons Mar 08, 2022

Pros and Cons Of Private Lessons

In today’s world, it’s amazing how much information is literally at your fingertips.  There has never been a time in human history where there has been so much easy and free access to education, resources, and tools for you to learn and grow.  This is especially tru...

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Getting Back To Your Practice Ritual Mar 01, 2022

I had a conversation with an adult student of mine recently who was very embarrassed and a bit ashamed that, after establishing and maintaining a regular and consistent daily practice ritual, he hadn't practiced for months.  "Man", he said "I was doing SO well.  I was playing everyday and I could re...

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The Top 5 Myths Of Learning Music Feb 18, 2022

When it comes to practicing music, regardless of what instrument you play, there are a lot of ideas that people have that keep them from reaching their highest potential.   In our Practice Warriors Masterclass (at we go over the many of these myths and either give them vali...

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