When Should You Start To Learn Music?
Dec 12, 2023
When should you start learning music? If you ask yourself something different first, I’ll think you’ll have your answer to this question.
The different question is...‘do you want to learn music?’
If the answer is ‘yes’, then the answer to ‘when should you start learning music’ is now. NOW! NOW! NOWWWWWW!
Did you hear me okay? If you want to learn an instrument, start singing, write a song or anything related to music, you should start right now.
Well, finishing reading this article first, then get started. Priorities!
Many folks think that you have to start learning music at a young age. When one thinks of music lessons, visions of little children come to mind. One certainly doesn’t think of a middle-aged accountant or a retiree or anyone older than middle school-aged younglings when they think of a music student.
But why not? Why should the kiddos have all the fun?
Most of the high-level, professional musicians I know didn’t start when they were very young. They didn’t go to an ‘arts school’ or anything like that. They weren’t child prodigies or had special gifted abilities. Most of them didn’t have any form of what people think of as ‘talent’.
In fact, many people who play music in their adulthood never played as a child. Many used to play as a child, but ended up quitting when they left for college or work. Only later in life did they come back to music. This time, they had different and more compelling motivations to play music.
Think about it. When you go to see a local band, is it mostly kids or adults in attendance?
When you go to an open mic or open jam night, is it kids or adult up there on stage?
Trust me, there is an absolute hunger for knowledge and education for the adult hobbyist musician. When my wife and I started a music lesson school, we actually designed everything to appeal to adults. We knew there was an untapped market for grownups who wanted to improve their musical skills.
…and we were right! Because no other music lesson school in our area catered to adults, we cornered the market. Nearly 50% of the hundreds of students we had were over 18 years old!
It’s the same philosophy we had when we created Practice Warriors. We knew that people wanted to become better musicians, but they just needed some guidance. It’s amazing to see people of all ages get excited about bringing music into their lives.
So if you think learning music is only for kids, think again!
Yes, I know there’s tons of research about why learning things at a young age is more advantageous, but…whatever. Unless you have a time machine that will not only take you back in time but also bring you back to infancy, then you’re going to have to make due with the learning mechanisms you’ve got left! If you are an adult who wants to learn music, then go for it.
By the way, there are many things that work in the favor of the adult student.
*Your ability to process and comprehend information may be quicker simply due to your educational experiences.
*With less free time available, you'll make the best use of your limited time.
*You may have better motivation and desire to learn your instrument as opposed to a child, whose parents are making them take lessons.
*You will have a better chance at sticking to and being disciplined with your practicing.
People who start learning a musical instrument later in life, when they follow a consistent and proven practice method, can make just as much progress, if not more, than younger students.
So, you should start learning music right now. I mean it! Figure out what kind of music moves your soul. Choose an instrument that aligns with those feelings and that type of music. Purchase or rent a low cost, but decent quality instrument. Take private lessons immediately, and don’t put any imaginary or unrealistic timelines on your progress. And for goodness sake…learn how to practice. It’ll make all the difference in the world!
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